In 2001, Sharpton was jailed for 90 days for protesting near a United States Navy bombing site in Puerto Rico.
Francis Kallon, protesting near the United Nations yesterday, said he was angry that they had not cross-examined the defendants more aggressively.
An army spokesman said the youth, 17 years old, was killed when soldiers opened fire on youths protesting near the West Bank city of Tulkarm.
The next night, loyalists protested near the Short Strand and then clashed with police nearby.
Ramblers protesting near his estate said that they were watched by a large group of men with dogs and sticks in evidence, but the demonstration passed off peaceably.
Demonstrators protest against the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, in Hula, near Homs.
A few days later, residents protested near the intersection, urging drivers to slow down.
On the day the planned cuts were announced, 15,000 people in Sicily protested against the proposed closing of the factory in Termini Imerese, near Palermo.
On 9 March, thousands protested near Manama's immigration office against naturalizing foreigners and recruiting them in security forces.
The mere fact that people wished to protest near the World Trade Center site had some New Yorkers in a tizzy.