There are two broad principles of sequence-specific recognition in protein-DNA complexes, and Otwinowski et al.
If a protein-DNA complex has multiple locations of cross-linking within a single binding event, then it can appear as though there are multiple distinct binding events.
Although the nucleosome is a very stable protein-DNA complex, it is not static.
There is also evidence of protein-DNA complexes forming Z-DNA structures.
Hoogsteen base pairs have been observed in protein-DNA complexes.
The formation of protein-DNA complexes was monitored throughout the site selection experiments (Fig.
The protein-DNA complex then diffuses away from the donor site until random collisions brings it in contact with a new target site, where it is integrated.
She determined the structures of a number of important protein-DNA complexes involved in transcription, such as zinc-fingers and nuclear hormone receptors.
The arrow indicates the IL-6 induced protein-DNA complex.
At this point the immunoprecipitation is performed resulting in the purification of protein-DNA complexes.