BARD1 is thought to be involved in the recognition and binding of protein targets for ubiquitination.
Presumably, Hyal-2 interacts with a specific protein target on the mitochondrial surface that changes the membrane permeability.
They can also accumulate at the lipid bilayer surface, prior to binding their protein targets.
Numerous research works have focused interest on defining the direct protein targets of action of ceramide.
The protein targets of rapamycin (the Tor proteins) are known to sense nutrients.
Researchers can now identify promising protein targets and small sets of chemicals, including good lead compounds, using computation alone.
X-ray crystallography is now used routinely by scientists to determine how a pharmaceutical drug interacts with its protein target and what changes might improve it.
For example, immunohistochemistry uses antibodies that bind to a specific protein target.
In the first place, there must be a high degree of diversity within the library so that one surrogate can be found for each protein target.
All the drugs that exist today are aimed at a total of only 500 different protein targets in the body.