The flies increase protein production by that single X, and the bacteria react to chemical signals of this process.
Here in these places life itself is redefined - as protein production - and with it suffering.
The growth rate and the level of recombinant protein production of each cell line also vary widely.
This shorter form was then free to be transported to the cytoplasm and used as a template for protein production.
In the elderly, muscle wasting seems related to a decrease in protein production.
And the nice thing about this process, it doesn't completely suppress the protein production.
In the following years, scientists tried to understand how DNA controls the process of protein production.
And scientists seek to describe biological processes, like protein production, as algorithms.
For many years, the evolution of protein production (called translation) seemed like a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem.
But, on the other hand genes are activated at appropriate times during development and are the basis for protein production.