Petsko's research interests are in protein crystallography.
In the laboratory it is a common precipitant and cryoprotectant in protein crystallography.
In 1994 Gros was given a position at Utrecht University to conduct experimental research towards new applications for protein crystallography.
The center, which is located in Yerevan, Armenia, "generates beams of ultraviolet light for protein crystallography."
In 1981, Murthy began his work with protein crystallography as a post doctorate at Yale University.
He also introduced protein crystallography to Australia and was a strong advocate for programs to ensure Australian scientists have good access to "big science" facilities.
He also participated to different works on protein crystallography and modelling.
She was an early pioneer in structure validation for protein crystallography, developing the widely used ProCheck software.
Her research interests are in the field of protein crystallography.
Xenon is also used in protein crystallography.