Inspectors from the authority's insurance company warned that Espo needed to build a protective shed over the school's entrances to "preclude any bouncing masonry" from hitting students or teachers, the report said.
The brick facade of a Brooklyn high school collapses, crashing through a protective shed.
Must the landlord and the work crew erect protective sheds in those areas where tenants and others have legal and legitimate access?
The medical center declined to release a copy of the report, saying a new one was under way, and there is no protective shed around the building, which appears to be intact.
And on Jan. 21, a brick facade at East New York Transit Technical High School in Brooklyn crashed through a protective shed to the sidewalk.
The building code requires a protective shed to shelter pedestrians on the sidewalk below, even when only repairs are involved.
Mr. Birkhahn said Third Avenue would probably remain closed until this morning so that a protective shed could be erected.
Emergency workers closed off the intersection and evacuated three restaurants on the ground floor, and the authorities ordered the owner of the building to put up a protective shed.
In "Bullfight on Sunday," Roth watches as an exhausted bull in the arena at Nîmes faces the gate "behind which, he knows, is the good, warm, protective shed, redolent of home."
This morning, city officials expect to erect a protective shed over the sidewalk to guard against more debris raining to the ground - especially since "there are still some loose pieces" atop the building, Mr. Birkhahn said.