She was wearing the full protective garb of mask, face shield, gloves, and blue plastic gown.
They sat by the bedside, dressed in protective garb, watching their world die before their eyes.
Moudi walked out of the room, turning left toward the door, removing his protective garb as he went, and dumping the articles into the proper container.
Two more nuns in protective garb were close by, and a priest, with yet more farther away.
Moudi and the director walked in, wearing their protective garb, to check the sealed culturing chambers for themselves.
The contamination would last for up to a month and would affect anyone not wearing protective garb, which only the Soviets possessed.
He left the room, stripping off his protective garb as he did so and depositing it in the proper containers.
After five minutes he left the room, stripped off his protective garb, and walked to his office, his face locked in a frown of thought.
Again, Kulik performed as a dog, this time in a specially built cage, which the spectator would enter wearing protective garb.
The equatorial sun bore down on the forested mountainside and the three beekeepers had already broken a sweat inside their protective garb.