He also had the power to generate a protective cocoon, while regenerating and healing.
In this environment, he would always be the outsider, dependent upon the strength of his protective cocoon.
Organisms of the kind that now live on Earth would die virtually instantly if they were transported beyond its protective cocoon.
She also recognizes it was a protective cocoon that left her ill prepared for what was to come.
"Everyone wants to know what will happen to the land and the people now that this protective cocoon is gone."
His wish to stay within the protective cocoon was overridden by curiosity; whose voices did he hear?
Luc still held her tightly in the protective cocoon of his arms and legs.
She will have to face intense scrutiny by the world's media once she emerges from the protective cocoon of her hospital room.
When not being used, these arms can form a protective cocoon around the Metal Gear.
She tried to keep the sorceress wrapped in a protective cocoon spun of herself and her blades.