But no matter which technique is used, the protective chemicals can be worn away by heavy traffic.
Vitamin A also acts in the body as an antioxidant, a protective chemical that may reduce the risk of certain cancers.
Oranges grown in California may have a quite different spectrum of protective chemicals than do oranges from Florida.
Anyway, it's the time of year when I must douse him in protective chemicals.
At some stage, the little cycle acquired a cover of protective chemicals, to separate its own reactions from the general milieu.
To reduce loss of the protective chemicals, these vegetables should be cut up and let stand for 10 minutes before they are cooked.
The sun was still high, and its heat rapidly turned the truck into a mobile oven, boiling off the protective chemicals into the enclosed space.
In other cases, the genes that determine production of protective chemicals might be isolated and transferred to important agricultural crops.
But most cells, including embryos, have membranes that allow cryoprotectants, the protective chemicals, to enter and leave.
Dr. Zasloff also speculated that the protective chemicals, or similar ones, may be found in the human body, although none have been detected so far.