British firms would be subject to protectionist barriers abroad.
They erected protectionist barriers that kept vast numbers of people employed, but not productively.
He argued that Peruvian industry could only learn to compete if protectionist barriers were lowered and foreign products allowed in.
We have to work together to address global warming, oil dependence and protectionist barriers.
The time has come to get rid of the EU' s final protectionist barriers.
Our highest priority should now be the removal of protectionist barriers within the EU.
We must lift protectionist barriers to be able to revitalise the Single Market.
This is not about erecting protectionist barriers, but the Union can no longer be the only one to play by the rules.
Thus the aptitude test for joining the bar of a country other than one's own has frequently been used as an effective protectionist barrier.
Though they continued to bray loudly for protectionist barriers, government, labor and management also sought new ways to make themselves competitive.