They circled back to the mountains, recovering the protection of the trees at the base.
No, there was no game to be sought beyond the protection of the trees.
The hunters, feeling very small and exposed, ran for the protection of the large trees beyond.
They stayed there, in the protection of the trees, waiting for the others.
He got out quickly and, keeping close to the protection of the trees, hurried to the children's play area.
Then, gripping Eilonwy's arm, he pulled her deeper into the protection of the trees.
Even though she kept to the side of the road under the partial protection of the trees, the going was brutal.
The three had crossed a broad clearing and now paused under the protection of the first trees.
In a moment, the elf would leave the protection of the trees and find the ravine blocking its path.
He drew back into the shadowed protection of the trees and let them go by.