She is an example of how people sometimes stay in protected industries instead of moving to more competitive businesses.
Economic liberals reply that farming is the most protected and regulated industry in Britain (as it is everywhere in the Western world).
The only U.S. wages that will suffer are those earned by workers in protected industries.
The extreme dependence on state support of the many protected industries exacerbated the sharp fall of the industrial output.
The limit is thus meaningless and only gives the false impression of a protected industry and precludes more effective action.
Only 10 years ago, Mexico refused to join GATT for fear that it would harm its protected industries.
The Indian government has responded by narrowing the list of protected industries to 326 categories of goods from 20,000 and has lowered tariffs.
Equally explosive is the issue of textiles, one of the most protected industries in America.
"It is a protected industry by the Somalis, so much so that they keep everyone else out."
The process was slow, and involved so many trade-offs that it often entrenched protected industries rather than opened the world to market forces.