Now, instead of catching criminals, she helps their victims and protects witnesses.
To protect witnesses serving a prison sentence, the federal government has created witness protection units within federal prisons.
They claim the current system fails to protect victims, witnesses or the public - and often does not lead to successful convictions.
The Committee recommends further measures be taken to eradicate practices, as well as those to protect victims and witnesses.
The federal government has long had a program for protecting witnesses who are in danger because of their cooperation with law enforcement officials.
The program gave trial judges wide discretion to protect sensitive witnesses.
The Fifth Amendment protects witnesses from being forced to incriminate themselves.
Measures to protect witnesses - several of whom have been killed before testifying - remain inadequate.
The Government then hurried to protect the victims and witnesses.
At the moment it is important to keep the grave site protected and to protect potential witnesses before an active investigation can be carried out.