Since the British need was for many ships to protect trade, rather than particularly powerful individual vessels, they proposed the reduction of the 10,000-ton and 8-inch limit.
In 1638 the colonists constructed a small fort at the end of the bay by Fort de France to protect vessels undergoing careening.
Instigate a proper convoy system, and change the rules of engagement so that warships have more freedom to open fire to protect commercial vessels.
To protect commercial vessels off the coast of Somalia, a multi-national task force was deployed to the area.
Both sides have attacked commercial shipping despite the presence of more than 80 United States and other foreign warships to protect vessels in the gulf.
The system is designed to protect vessels from low-flying aircraft and missiles, Mr. Chappell said.
The EU must protect maritime vessels passing through this region by means of international negotiations and protection measures.
In February and May, the United States had protected vessels flying the flags of foreign nations as they delivered arms to the region.
To protect vessels and important installations within each port facility, the Coast Guard created security zones around the dock areas.
Fire Lute was used to protect vessels from heat damage.