He wants to protect the mountains, forests and streams that make the 10th District such a beautiful place to live and raise a family.
Won a $500,000 settlement against the developer of a large retail center, helping to protect streams and preserve habitat for endangered fish species.
That would allow local managers to decide how much timber to cut and where, and how much money to spend on protecting streams or other habitat.
Timber industry leaders say the logging program, if properly managed to protect streams and wildlife habitat, does not cause significant long-term environmental damage.
This prompts people to protect streams from pollution that are from sacred mountains, for example.
Their job was to protect game and catch poachers, although they went beyond this by protecting streams from pollution as well.
But the plan also contains strict controls designed to safeguard valuable wetlands and protect lakes and streams from erosion.
One way is to protect streams from siltation or sedimentation during logging and road construction.
They are there to protect the rivers, streams and underground aquifers from being polluted by fertilisers or farm waste running off the land.
For years, Mr. Nikitovich and other trout fishermen have led a campaign to bolster the laws protecting watershed streams.