Israel says it needs to maintain checkpoints along the road to protect Jewish settlements in Gaza from attack.
British aircraft dropped bombs "to protect Jewish settlements from Arab raiders."
It protects settlements in the coastal areas of Guyana, most of which are below sea level at high tide.
On the one hand, the reduction of flooding is beneficial since it protects settlements from flood damage.
These troops were not used against the southern armies, but protected the central overland route and settlements on the frontier from the Indians.
This leads to wider beaches, which absorb the reduced wave energy, protecting cliff and settlements behind.
Containing this water in a narrowly corseted channel, as is commonly done to protect farms and urban settlements, has the opposite effect.
Originally the Crown relied on private initiative and resources to protect colonial shipping and settlements.
But those still here are limited to guarding access to the narrow strip of land and protecting Jewish settlements.
They also protected Jewish and Arab settlements from sectarian violence.