The larger question in the face of Plant's personal danger is whether the radio beacon was enough to protect long-distance sailors.
The rules, first designed to protect sailors, cover most aspects of life at sea, such as load limits for ships and how tonnages are measured.
The mystery of his whereabouts has underscored the absence of a fail-safe system to protect sailors on oceanic crossings.
She is believed to protect fisherman and sailors.
Impressment humiliated and dishonored the U.S. because it was unable to protect its ships and sailors.
One of my favorites, always fine in port towns, is the Chinese temple to the Goddess of the Sea, who protects sailors, fishermen and merchants.
Russian submarines are equipped with suits designed to protect sailors during such underwater escapes.
Everybody loves dolphins, those playful models of animal wisdom, celebrated for protecting shipwrecked sailors and spending their days frolicking happily in the waves.
The shrine is dedicated to the gods who protect sailors and soldiers.
There used to be a little cross ("une croisette") here, protecting sailors setting out to sea.