B1 A false report of child abuse involving a Scarsdale family has raised questions about whether the law protects innocent parents and children from unfounded charges.
The organization lobbies state legislatures around the country to change existing laws that protect parents who, for religious reasons, withhold medical treatment from their children.
Their plan to work with experienced adoption lawyers will further protect adoptive parents.
Mr. Murphy derides this as protecting abusive parents from the state, rather than children from abusive parents.
Like many states, Oregon has laws protecting parents who practice faith healing from prosecution.
Raghunath knows now that he must protect his wife, parents, and family, as they too are in danger.
These controls help protect children and parents involved in adoption from unwanted contact online.
She said she also wants to protect adopting parents from becoming attached to a woman and her unborn baby, in case the mother changes her mind.
Under this plan - now an experiment in Wisconsin and elsewhere - a child support system would protect single parents and children from all economic strata.
Still others are trying to protect parents already under stress from a divorce, a serious illness, or the death of family member.