Swans are known to aggressively protect their nests.
Its dead as a dodo but the rent-seekers will continue to protect their nests.
Several species of ants, such as Camponotus saundersi in southeast Asia, seemingly explode at will to protect their nests from intruders.
The black birds were probably protecting their own nests from a bird that would kill their young!
Ms. Herr's goal is to find a way to protect the turtles' nests of eggs, which the wood turtles lay and leave to their own devices.
Broad-winged Hawks will protect their nests in a show of aggression (i.e. diving and chasing) towards any suspected threat but they generally will not make physical contact.
I suggest you all wear our badges when you go - then you can say that you are under orders from your club to protect birds' nests.'
Termites (order Isoptera), like eusocial ants, wasps, and bees, rely on a caste system to protect their nests.
All villagers protect the birds, their nests and fledgelings.
The birds protect their nests by diving at perceived threats, including humans.