With these techniques the shaman guards and protects his human flock, interceding, when necessary, with the gods on their behalf.
And instead of protecting their flock, some church leaders delivered the Tutsis among them to the killers.
I wonder how far Tony would go to protect Mendel and his flock.
In difficult times, the Shiite clergy has always tried to protect its flock.
Furthermore, he "did all he could to protect his flock, never asking for papers and always trying to hide illegal students."
"He was only protecting his flock," Kellen answered, not sure the words were true even as he spoke them.
Night was Akha's, and the priests were set to protect their flock through the long night's battle.
As a regulator, your inclination is to protect your flock, especially when you've lost sheep recently.
Every Father must protect his flock.
The spirit of the animal zduhać would leave its body in sleep and fight against the enemy zduhaći, to protect its own flock or herd.