It will clarify the legal authority of trustees and bankruptcy courts while further protecting homeowners facing foreclosure.
Garbage industry executives insist, though, that there is enough competition to protect homeowners and businesses.
He says that under Conservative policy, there would be no regulation to protect homeowners.
We said the time has come to protect homeowners from predatory mortgage lenders.
They also discussed the state party's support of teacher's rights to unionize and policies to protect homeowners from unfair foreclosures.
Companies should also offer proof of their insurance to protect workers and homeowners should a sweep get injured on the job.
That provision is intended to protect homeowners who carve out a single apartment for a parent or other relative.
In response to a court decision that would have forced the city to raise taxes on underassessed properties, the Legislature decided to protect homeowners.
State governments, in an effort to protect homeowners, are beginning to act, too.
Advocates say more measures are needed to protect homeowners.