The mission could be even more dangerous than protecting convoys.
In Somalia, it hired some of the local toughs to protect its workers and convoys.
Further use is allowed "in rear echelon areas outside the zone of immediate combat to protect convoys" from attack.
He urged that military support be sent immediately to protect humanitarian convoys entering Sarajevo.
Each month dozens of naval ships protecting convoys stopped at St. John's.
He's got a 1052-an escort ship-and he'll probably be out protecting convoys or something from submarines.
In the Atlantic, the escort carriers were used to protect convoys against U-boats.
This helped them to hunt U-boats and protect convoys.
The soldiers would do far better in combating terror if they didn't have to protect convoys of school buses every day.
United Nations officials have also co-opted local armed bands, at a price, to protect convoys and installations.