That arrangement has worked well for players who have been healthy (Steve Balboni, for one) and has protected clubs with those who have not (Bob Horner).
At the finish South could not protect both clubs and hearts.
At 10:04 21st Sep 2010, pekster11-save 606 wrote: I know the relegation average system used so widely in latin america is designed to protect big clubs from one bad season...but River's current situation is just ridiculous !
I suppose if the system is designed to protect big clubs River can have little complaint if they find themselves in the bottom spots next May.
Doubleday has never denied that he disagreed with Kuhn's advocacy of sharing television revenue to protect clubs in smaller markets - "socialism," Kuhn quotes Doubleday as saying.
I believe that we should work together more closely on this, because what we all want is to protect the social dimension of sport, to protect smaller clubs and to protect young players.
Despite its own research pointing out that closures of youth clubs in north London had been a factor in the riots, the government proposals for the nation's 4.5 million teenagers rule out protecting such clubs or ringfencing budgets for youth services.