The company has not assigned more guards to protect employees or brand-new cars that sit in parking lots in full view of the prison.
Suddenly, auto alarms that were installed to protect cars from theft while they were parked are viewed as armor for drivers on the road.
A paint sealant is a sealant that protects cars from ultraviolet rays and acid rain.
The program's primary purpose is to protect cars from being involved in an accident.
He developed the company's patented highway cushions, which are designed to protect cars in crashes.
The Israeli government says that the high concrete portions are to protect cars and people on the Israeli side from gunfire.
The multi-level parking is covered protecting cars from excessive sunlight.
Criminologists say there are better and quieter ways to protect cars.
I also of course agree that we must protect veteran cars, and I therefore have nothing against veteran cars being exempt from the proposal.
For about $40,000, Kroll-O'Gara's Mexico plant can protect cars against handguns.