The act also works to protect residents of the province by preventing employment discrimination.
This restriction is meant to protect legislative independence by preventing the president from using patronage to buy votes in Congress.
The Church was able to protect itself by preventing anyone other than the Pope from calling a council to discuss spiritual affairs.
But he can also protect the presidency by preventing more criminal behavior.
It also protects bones by preventing them from rubbing against each other.
They well help protect the hair by preventing too much heat penetration.
They also plan to campaign for new laws to protect other workers by preventing firms from raiding their pension fund money.
This layer protects the metal by preventing oxygen from reaching it.
They say the law protects the city by preventing general contractors from simply hiring the cheapest subcontractors who might not provide the best service.
I firmly believe it is a serious mistake to try to protect jobs by preventing modernisation, restructuring and globalisation.