Protect consumers by ensuring advertising and marketing communications are conducted responsibly.
This protects consumers by ensuring that all domestic and imported seafood products are processed in the safest manner possible.
Our mission is to protect people's health and safety by ensuring risks in the changing workplace are properly controlled.
Its primary purpose is to protect consumers of new homes by ensuring that builders abide the provincial legislation.
You can protect against this by ensuring adequate hydration, appropriate clothing, and optimal environmental surroundings (not too warm) during exercise.
These enhancements are aimed at protecting online payments over the web by ensuring your payment card is not being used by someone else.
It protects professionals by ensuring they keep their skill sets current, preventing those skills from becoming obsolete.
At the same time, however, the Speaker is charged with protecting the interests of the minority by ensuring sufficient debate before a vote.
To protect the interests of farmers and workers by ensuring that their labour is adequately rewarded.
The agency charged with protecting consumer welfare by ensuring competition - the Federal Trade Commission - wants to know.