Social insurance schemes are contributory programs that protect beneficiaries from catastrophic expenses in exchange for regular payments of premiums.
And if we don't gradually reform the system while protecting current beneficiaries, it won't be there when future retirees need it.
This would have protected beneficiaries in the 15 percent tax bracket from an excessive tax increase.
"Part of the Social Security debate that everyone would expect us to be prominent in would be to protect current beneficiaries," he said.
Trusts may be used to protect beneficiaries (for example, one's children) against their own inability to handle money.
They could find the money if they were committed to protecting low-income beneficiaries.
But those responsible are required to protect the participants and beneficiaries, she said.
These efforts will help modernize the program and strengthen Medicare's financial health, protecting both beneficiaries and taxpayers.
State officials say many of the easier cuts were made last year, when they reduced payments to health care providers and tried to protect beneficiaries.
New rules to protect beneficiaries are grafted onto a bill intended to create a vibrant new health insurance market for the elderly.