Samurai warriors who once protected Japan from foreign enemies and fought each other for supremacy became the new police and internal security force.
For centuries, the sea had protected Japan from land invasions, particularly by the Mongols.
We also need to have sufficient forces in place to protect Japan, even if they don't want us based on their soil.
Unarmed neutrality, underwritten by the major powers, was the best course to protect Japan.
The main type (102b) was kept in reserve to protect Japan, although it did see some limited duty in the Okinawa campaign.
The other argument often made for the bases is that they not only protect Japan, but also protect against Japan.
The player controls the Army, trying to protect Japan from the Godzilla characters.
Some have been saying, 'Why should we pay to protect Japan from terrorism?
However, one of their most important concerns was protecting Japan from Russia (Conroy, 1951: 33).
Heisuke was one of the great minds that had knowledge on how to attempt to help protect Japan from Russia.