After a prostate biopsy, a pathology looks at the samples under a microscope.
The analysis is one of the largest ever performed to assess complications associated with prostate biopsies in men who were 65 and older.
More than 1 million prostate biopsies are performed each year in older men who are eligible for Medicare.
Then, in 1995, a prostate biopsy showed lingering cancer.
Fifty-five percent of men report discomfort during prostate biopsy.
Before your prostate biopsy, you may be given antibiotics to prevent infection.
The use of each alone would result in many unnecessarily worried men and unwarranted prostate biopsies.
In prostate biopsies, the standard of care is to take 12.
If indicated, prostate biopsy is performed to obtain tissue sample for histopathological analysis.
And a prostate biopsy can miss a cancer.