In somewhat more prosperous regions, children drop out at slightly older ages, but the problem still exists.
But in this prosperous region, the party made more efforts to attract business executives and intellectuals into the Communist movement.
Due to the trade on the river their wealth grew, and this became a very prosperous region.
But officials agree that the north is Afghanistan's most prosperous region because of Soviet aid.
It's a prosperous region now, with fine homes and Mercedes everywhere.
Of 24,200 workers thrown on the dole last month, more than half were from the once prosperous region.
I would like to mention the fact that an important share of aid still ends up in relatively prosperous regions.
These are testing times, even in a prosperous region like Europe.
On the one hand, there is aid for developing the infrastructure and human resources of the less prosperous regions.
The region became heavily industrialized and one of the most prosperous regions in China.