At the time, New Orleans had a large and prosperous population of free people of color.
Tunisia is relatively integrated into Europe's economies, enjoys a strong tourism industry, and has a relatively prosperous and educated population.
Brazil needs to add 6000 MW of capacity every year in order to satisfy growing demand from an increasing and more prosperous population.
Critics point out that the elderly have prospered under Government programs, and question whether they should receive more benefits at the expense of the younger, less prosperous population.
"Downtown is fortunate to be surrounded by a growing, prosperous population," it said.
With a prosperous population of 120,000, Newfoundlanders decided to pass in 1869 on joining the new confederation of Canada.
This is a glimpse of Germany's - and Europe's - future: a fast-aging, generally prosperous population, dependent on immigrants.
By contrast the middle-class area has a relatively stable and prosperous population.
Syria's large and prosperous population made it one of the most important Roman provinces, particularly during the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE.
An estimated one-third of those have left Lebanon altogether -the more educated and prosperous of the Christian population.