The parents worked at various jobs and thereby made a prosperous life for their family.
Of course, 'foreign oil import' isn't the only threat for a happy and prosperous life in the West.
Good English skills are the ticket to a prosperous life.
While the number of those who said they could find a prosperous life in the regions has increased to 19pc, from 12pc last year.
On the other hand, he failed not to set forth the easy, prosperous life which I was going to live.
I hope you have been this day preserved for a prosperous and happy life.
The celebration party is also a wish for an even longer and prosperous life.
They are ready to move on, to live prosperous lives.
You must also measure whether those investments actually help poor people live longer, more prosperous lives.
"Getting between you two in a quarrel is not part of my game plan for a long and prosperous life."