Rice and unhusked corn are usually stored in large woven bamboo baskets inside the house, although a particularly prosperous household may build a separate granary.
In order to satisfy the minimal food needs, the Soviet government introduced a strict control over the food surpluses of the prosperous rural households.
The exhibition includes an impressive selection of ornate clocks and pocket watches that by the late 17th century were part of every prosperous European household.
Still, owning a home is increasingly a wedge separating low-income Americans from more prosperous households, even those only moderately better off.
The presence of a clock spoke of a prosperous household.
Later she went to work as a nanny in prosperous households in west London, where she discovered a knack for dealing with emotionally damaged children.
He then married the daughter of a prosperous household and had a son and a daughter.
Eliza spent her childhood in a prosperous household and became well-educated for a young woman in the 18th century.
Castle Street, running west from the market-house, formed the broad heart of Stowey, and contained the majority of its more prosperous households.
He hoped to see Soli graduated and placed in some prosperous household, after which he could retreat to the badlands.