Through enterprise, organization, and cooperation many Chinese became part of a prosperous, urban middle class that controlled retail trade.
Flanders developed a prosperous middle class, and the prestige of Dutch saw an increase.
She either had been "quality" - respectable, prosperous, upper class - or still was.
Once a prosperous middle class has emerged, he suggests, democracy can flourish.
Most of these more "open" Jordanians are well educated and from prosperous middle class or wealthy families.
However, the residents were almost all relatively prosperous working class, such as factory workers and busmen.
A prosperous black educated class had developed in traditional professions such as social work, ministry, medicine, and nursing.
The latter feature was largely meant to attract the wealthy and the prosperous middle class.
These efforts served as the foundation for a stable and prosperous black middle class.
There, the prosperous middle classes appealed to democratic principles to preserve their way of life.