I'd been a respectable, reasonably prosperous citizen, with a nice home and family, only something had happened and it hadn't worked out.
With most of the city's more prosperous citizens not living there anymore, they had less interest in maintaining a healthy downtown.
Once this was the capital of a great empire and home to kings, bishops and 100,000 prosperous citizens.
The streets to the north were better ones, lined with the dwellings of prosperous citizens.
In Shakespeare's time, the beds of prosperous citizens were expensive affairs, sometimes equivalent in value to a small house.
Before the war it was reserved for Budapest's more prosperous citizens.
America's cities will prosper when America's prosperous citizens demand it.
If we can make the right choices, our best days as competitors and prosperous citizens still lie ahead.
He paused, drawing chuckles from some 200 prosperous citizens of Saarbrucken.
Even so these were dwellings of prosperous or at least comfortable citizens, not tenements.