Waterford was a prosperous center of activity when young Edmund arrived there in 1779.
Hobyo served as a prosperous commercial centre for the Imamate.
In the 19th century, Windsor was a prosperous industrial and administrative center.
Abydos, a city seemingly built on the sea, was once a prosperous cultural centre of Egypt.
Despite a serious fire in 1835, by 1850 the town was prosperous center of trade.
By 19th century Bombay was a prosperous centre for maritime trade and commerce.
During the early 19th century, Duxbury had been a prosperous center of wooden shipbuilding.
He encouraged Scottish immigrants to come to the area and it became a prosperous industrial centre.
Until six years ago, it was a pastel-painted town of 2,500, the prosperous commercial center of a poor agricultural region.
Because of its central location, Ancyra, as the city was called, became a prosperous commercial center.