However, the two are closely linked as a man eventually has to meet his prospective wife using a well organized method of meeting and dating.
At the show-up the Korean man picks a prospective wife from among the group, and in a matter of days they are married.
The third day was a market day, and also the only day men proposed to their prospective wives.
A man will judge a prospective wife on her domestic skills, while a woman will judge the man's earning potential.
"Well, on a lengthy mission-" A prospective wife for him?
He suggested that he was interested in finding a prospective wife.
He was perhaps another romantical fool, having come this long trek to sit alone and wait on a prospective wife.
The obligation is for the young man to render manual labor services to the family of his prospective wife.
In summer an arranged marriage is attempted for Molkho by the prospective wife's husband.
His prospective new wife left Windsor, and they married on 30 July 1952.