Another attraction for many prospective residents of this blue-collar community, is a relatively low property tax.
Do they match the prospective resident's tastes and needs?
He said there was a list of 400 prospective residents waiting for vacancies.
Ratings and reviews may help the prospective resident or their relatives choose a home, but what about those already settled in homes?
Mr. Jones or one of his staff will go to the jail to talk to the prospective residents.
He advises prospective residents or family members to ask questions about the financial strength and prior experience of the project's owner/operator.
For prospective residents who remain in psychiatric hospitals, the wait is difficult.
As Search for Change would have it, there will be no village, county or state screening of prospective residents.
Some towns have offered free building lots to prospective residents, but the program has met with only limited success.
There is a practical reason for informing prospective residents, he said.