He wrote the prospective publisher and reserved his right to seek legal redress if appropriate.
After all, if this interesting novel was actually begging for an American market, he just happened to have a rather persuasive contact with a prospective publisher.
Steven Hoffenberg, the prospective new publisher, said yesterday that he was not backing away from his promise to buy the newspaper.
He resubmitted it for publication in 1966, this time choosing McClelland and Stewart as the prospective publisher.
One prospective publisher intimated that they might have published the game if the main character had been a monkey.
Both the prospective publisher and his prospective staff agreed that the chemistry between them was terrible.
Because of its controversial nature and content, it was nearly impossible for Levine to find a publisher-one prospective publisher even called it "radioactive."
Unfortunately, the book was never published, since prospective publishers "asked that he enrich the collection ... with new games", which Morphy refused to do.
Moreover, the prospective publisher has the computer printout revealing the net sales of what was that promising first novel.
Curll, Gildon's prospective publisher warned Manley of the work in progress.