However, he has stated that the niche nature of the role-playing game industry means it is hard to attract prospective developers to the property.
The state said that prospective developers would not be required to accommodate the shelter, although they are not precluded from doing so.
As it is now, he said, prospective developers may find the project too daunting.
The agency said it was arranging an information meeting for prospective developers and a visit to the site on Sept. 7.
That is because both officials had promised to solicit proposals from prospective developers by the end of March.
The new areas were tendered to prospective developers in a competitive bid process known as Round 2.
If we approve the plans, the state pollution control agency will give the prospective developer liability waivers.
But he said it represents a clear notice to prospective developers of what the community expects to happen on the waterfront.
For most of the prospective developers, including Donald Trump and several major gaming companies, the $610 million was too steep.
So any prospective developer had to win over both sides simultaneously.