Another UK study based on a prospective cohort of 13,617 children likewise found more associated benefits than risks from thiomersal exposure with respect to developmental disorders.
Low job control and risk of coronary heart disease in Whitehall II (prospective cohort) study.
The prospective cohorts were matched to the retrospective cohorts according to patient age, fusion levels, Lenke curve type, and operative method.
Risk factors for genital and anal warts in a prospective cohort of HIV-negative homosexual men: the HIM study.
The Mount Sinai Children's Environmental Health study enrolled a prospective multiethnic cohort of primiparous women with singleton pregnancies.
Misusers of intravenous drugs from our prospective cohort who seroconverted for HIV.
For example, it has been suggested that multivitamin-takers may, overall, have more underlying diseases (making multivitamins appear as less beneficial in prospective cohort studies).
On the other hand, it has also been suggested that multivitamin users may, overall, be more health-conscious (making multivitamins appear as more beneficial in prospective cohort studies).
Retinal breaks and detachment after neodymium:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy: Five-year incidence in a prospective cohort.
Diet, anthropometric measures and prostate cancer risk: a review of prospective cohort and intervention studies.