What builds greater anticipation than the prospect of these two teams facing each other in the postseason?
Still, even as Venezuela faces a grim prospects for 2003, Mr. Chávez beams with strength.
The prospect of costly ground combat would face President Bush with the Gulf war's most important and politically risky decision yet.
Bankruptcy is ground for losing the right to attend - a prospect two lords are currently facing - though other misdeeds seem to be tolerated.
The prospect facing you--facing all of us-is too dreadful to contemplate.
Ultraman falls unconscious and, left prone on Earth's surface, faces the prospect of dying without direct stellar radiation to revive him.
The pain and infection was unbearable, and now Oh faced the prospect of pitching two more games - on back-to-back days - for the championship.
What are the immediate prospects facing the Commission with regard to programmes and projects for cooperation with Algeria?
I'll have to reach down and use that... gift, he thought, but the prospect felt as hor- rifying as as facing Luke had last night.
A similar prospect faces owners and tenants in buildings built with federal low income housing tax credits and those constructed under the state's Mitchell-Lama program.