Stephen Worth, a lawyer for one of the officers, Edward McMellon, said the defense would challenge the prosecution motion.
In addition, some judges tended to be "prosecutors' judges," who would almost automatically rule in favor of every prosecution motion and objection.
The Olympia 22 case got national headlines when the judge denied a prosecution motion to suppress discussion of the war.
Selective prosecution motions very rarely lead to the dismissal of a case and the judge's decision represents only a small victory for the defense.
Judge Zoghby denied a prosecution motion that the defense be prohibited from eliminating blacks from the jury through striking potential jurors.
The judge granted a prosecution motion banning Mr. Pelosi and his lawyers from releasing the material.
Judge Burrell has yet to rule on the prosecution motion to preclude that evidence.
The judge was weighing a prosecution motion to overturn the jury's decision.
He also turned down a prosecution motion to bar Ms. McKinny altogether because previous witnesses made her redundant.
As with the other potential jurors, her identity and other personal information were not disclosed because the judge has granted a prosecution motion for an anonymous jury.