The prosecution described a plot to disrupt Libya by foreign secret services.
Mr. Monsour, 49, was shot five times in what the prosecution described as a drug-inspired robbery and murder attempt.
That, Mr. Eisen's lawyer said, like most of the events the prosecution describes, never happened.
At his trial in its opening speech the prosecution described the scheme as: "bold, well-researched and meticulously executed".
The prosecution described the killer as a large man, about the size of Mr. Steinberg.
The prosecution described the charges, and the court heard testimony from law enforcement officers and the doctor who examined Fryer's body.
The prosecution described how Maher cut himself with a knife and then set a fire in a wastepaper basket.
Neither the prosecution nor the defense has described what subjects are addressed in the disputed documents.
In the trial which followed discovery of these activities the prosecution described their actions thus:
The prosecution described the incident as being geographically "close" to the riots.