The government's prosecution and conviction of trafficking offenders under its anti-trafficking legislation demonstrated an increased commitment to combating trafficking during the reporting period.
Last July, issuing a "preliminary acquittal," the court decided to stop hearing evidence on the corruption charges, which it said it had judged the prosecution could not demonstrate.
The prosecution must demonstrate that a defendant took a photograph deliberately, intending it to be an indecent photograph showing a child.
However, two recent prosecutions demonstrate that the law has teeth and that Federal protection of cellular privacy can be expected.
"This prosecution demonstrates our resolve to ensure that humanitarian relief efforts are not used as a mechanism to disguise and enable support for terrorist groups."
The prosecution so ably demonstrated that by playing a conversation between Spira and Dave Winfield, the other protagonist in this three-way battle of attrition.
"The prosecution of this Verloc will demonstrate to the public both the danger and the indecency."
Assuming that the six requirements are present and Miranda applies, the statement will be subject to suppression unless the prosecution can demonstrate:
Under the ruling today, the prosecution must now demonstrate that there were reasons unrelated to race for excluding the black jurors from the 1985 trial.
The prosecution and its witnesses could demonstrate only an association and not that Cramer had given "Aid and Comfort," as defined in Article Three.