The office prosecutes violations and offenses of Texas state law.
Mr. Strickland has pointed to his record of prosecuting health-care fraud and environmental violations.
In some states the county attorney prosecutes violations of state laws to the extent that the state permits local prosecution of these.
The ordinance limited alterations to the exteriors of historic buildings and made provision for prosecuting violations.
The NSA is not in the business of prosecuting civil violations.
The conventions require signing countries to prosecute grave violations of human rights and crimes against humanity that are committed anywhere.
Such immunity, Mr. Starr said, would not "interfere with our ability to prosecute criminal violations."
A. We have a law and order system on the reservation, where we prosecute violations of tribal law.
The report suggested that no matter what laws are enacted, the Justice Department and its environmental crime section are not aggressively prosecuting violations.
The court was established to prosecute war crimes, genocide and heinous violations of human rights, but only if responsible countries failed to take action.