He hypocritically prosecutes others who, like Ivan, stood by and did nothing as others were persecuted.
He can provide evidence, including testimony and documents, to be used to prosecute others.
Nor could the information comissioner consider prosecuting journalists or others who received the information.
Eric Witmeyer received probation and a $10,000 fine in return for agreeing to cooperate in prosecuting others.
They could both prosecute others and be prosecuted themselves.
But the state has continued to prosecute others involved in the case.
It seems a sensible requirement at Justice to make sure that people are not prosecuting others for things they have done themselves.
"There is no point in releasing some people and continuing to prosecute others."
The agreement said prosecutors could recommend a lighter sentence if he gave them "substantial assistance" in prosecuting others.
A further relevant point is undoubtedly the establishment of measures to protect crews, and the possibility of prosecuting others involved in the chain.