In the past week, the government has announced its intention to prosecute leaders of the group under a new anti-cult law.
Efforts to prosecute and convict leaders of the former Communist Government have been unsuccessful.
Charges of rape have frequently been used in China to prosecute religious leaders.
The United States remains a reluctant nation, and has opposed setting up a permanent international criminal court, in part over fears that it could someday be used to prosecute its own soldiers or leaders.
During that conference, he also served as member of the Commission of Responsibilities, which recommended prosecuting German leaders accused of war crimes.
The UN Tribunal has jurisdiction over high-level members of the government and armed forces, while Rwanda is responsible for prosecuting lower-level leaders and local people.
The U.N. court in Tanzania prosecuting leaders of the genocide said the three were arrested in Cameroon.
Iran and Yemen also called for the court to prosecute Israeli leaders for "war crimes" committed during the 2008 Israel-Gaza conflict.
And he promised to prosecute former provincial leaders if he found evidence of corruption.
Mr. Kerry stuck with it, and in 2000 mediated talks in Cambodia to set up a tribunal to prosecute surviving leaders of the Khmer Rouge.