To keep the police policing and the prosecutors prosecuting despite corruption in the nation.
The former information commissioner told the Leveson inquiry that his office had been right not to prosecute newspapers despite overwhelming evidence they were "driving the trade" in information obtained illegally by private investigators.
The group also cited the Government's decision not to prosecute officers despite admissions that "serious mistakes" were made by the police.
The government did not arrest or prosecute any trafficking offenders, despite reports of the presence of trafficking victims in The Bahamas since at least 2005.
District Attorney Dinis chose not to prosecute Kennedy for manslaughter, despite Judge Boyle's conclusions.
Fitzwater's novel charts the buildup to the crime and the victim's effort to prosecute despite community pressure.
Pakistan prosecuted him despite US demands for him to be freed because he enjoys diplomatic immunity.
In January he successfully prosecuted a sexual assault case despite a lack of any signs of physical force, relying largely on the victim's testimony to convict her attacker.
The Director of Public Prosecutions says there's insufficient evidence to prosecute any officer of the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad despite ninety-one complaints about the unit.
"The state continued to prosecute them despite the fact that another man had confessed to the crime and the evidence against them was unreliable," the report said.