She has written many novels in prose collection, and is the mother of novelist Danzy Senna.
Ten poem collections and prose collections have appeared of her hand.
It was not until 2008 however, that Smith's entire prose collection became available to the general public.
Other notable works include the play Marbles (1989) and Watermark, a prose collection (1992).
He has published 17 poetry collections and 12 prose collections.
The prose collection earned Griswold a rivalry with the two men, which Griswold expected.
She has written many novels in prose collection.
Lawson's most successful prose collection is While the Billy Boils, published in 1896.
As a prolific writer, Yang has published 16 poetry collections, 15 prose collections and 1 verse play so far.
As a versatile writer, Yang's prose collections have also received lots of recognition.